Ellipsis High Yield Fund: 5 New Shares and Reduction of Retail Share Fees (P)

July 17, 2024 – The management company has decided to amend the prospectus of your mutual fund (FCP) by adding currency shares (CHF, USD) available for the existing share classes and by creating a new share class Y, whose characteristics are presented below.

Furthermore, the financial management fees for share class P have been reduced from 1.7% to 1.5% of the FCP's net assets.

Please note that despite these changes, the investment strategy and the risk/return profile of your FCP remain unchanged.

We invite you to consult the letter to shareholders for a complete list of modifications.

For more information, please refer to the documentation and especially the prospectus available on the fund's web page.

For further details, please consult the Letter to Shareholders and the Prospectus.

Part Y EUR / CHF / USD *

Part S CHF 

Part S USD

Isin : 

Y EUR -  FR001400P116
Y CHF -  FR001400P124
Y USD -  FR001400P132

Net asset value :
100 000 EUR/CHF/USD

Minimum initial subscription :
1 000 000 EUR/CHF/USD

Management fees :
Max 0,50%

Outperformance fees:
15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark, once the underperformance of the last 5 years has been compensated.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Isin : 


Net asset value :
100 000 CHF

Minimum initial subscription :
3 00 000 000 CHF

Management fees :
Max 0,65%

Outperformance fees:
15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark, once the underperformance of the last 5 years has been compensated.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Isin : 



Net asset value :
10 000 USD

Minimum initial subscription :

Management fees :
Max 1,00%

Outperformance fees:
15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark, once the underperformance of the last 5 years has been compensated.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Subscription to the Y share class will be closed to new investors once the assets of this share class (all currencies combined) reach 100 million euros. Only existing shareholders will then be able to continue subscribing to this share class. The Management Company may suspend/reopen subscriptions to this share class after informing shareholders in advance by any means (i.e., website).