Ellipsis AM integrates the Swiss SVVK-ASIR exclusion list from 2023

Ellipsis AM applies exclusion policies to its active management funds, focusing on sensitive sectors related to the fight against climate change and the defence of human rights.

For that, the management teams rely in particular on external lists of excluded issuers.

From January 2023, Ellipsis AM will use the exclusion list of the Swiss Association for Responsible Investment SVVK-ASIR: https://svvk-asir.ch/fr/liste-d-exclusion

This new list applies to the following funds:

  • Convertibles : Ellipsis European Convertible Fund – Ellipsis Global Convertible Fund and Ellipsis Disruption Convertible Fund
  • Credit : Ellipsis High Yield Fund and Ellipsis Credit Road 2028
  • Overlay & Allocation : Ellipsis Optimal Allocation - Credit and Ellipsis Optimal Solutions PA Balanced

The management teams commits to not holding issuers from this list in its portfolio, unless it can justify the environmental characteristics of the instrument or the issuer through an internal analysis.