

A cookie is a text file that is stored on the hard-drive of your computer, tablet, mobile handset or other device. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the device on which it is stored for the duration of the cookie's validity or storage period. In all cases, the cookie expires after a maximum of 13 months.


We use cookies on our website to enhance the browsing experience of our users. Cookies allow you to set your connection preferences.
The cookies we issue also allow us to:

  • implement security measures, such as when you are asked to login to a service or content again after a certain period of time;
  • customise the presentation of our website to the display settings of your device (language, operating system used, etc.) when you visit our website, based on your device's hardware and display or reading software. These processes are made possible by the use of functionality cookies; 
  • give you access to reserved and personal sections of our website thanks to personal identifiers through session cookies;
  • collect information about the way in which visitors use the website so we can improve its value and user-friendliness, and compile statistics about the traffic volume and use of the various sections of our website through analytical cookies.


You can customise the browser to limit or eliminate the use of cookies. However, it should be noted that the rejection of certain cookies may disrupt your browsing experience, and it is therefore impossible to block them, as is the case for functional and session cookies.

You can choose to accept the placing of your cookies on your device and change your mind at any time by changing the parameters of your web browser.

By continuing to browse on the Ellipsis AM website, you implicitly agree to cookies being placed on your device. You can also express your choice here :

User experience improvement operating cookies Manage cookies

These are cookies that are useful for the operation of the site and are deposited by Ellipsis AM/Minotore. They enable you to use the main functions of the site (for example: session cookies or language management cookies). They record information relating to navigation on the site carried out from the computer on which the Cookie is stored. Cookies essential to the use of the Ellipsis AM website have the following functions: Session identifier, Cookie management, Language/country management, Profile selection. Their retention period is indicated in the table below.

Analytics _gid 24 hours
_ga 402 days
Functionnal consent-cookie_marketing 180 days
consent-cookie_analytics 180 days
consent-cookie_functionality 180 days
version-consent-cookie 180 days
userProfileName 30 days
languageName 30 days
countryCode 30 days

Cookies for audience measurement Manage cookies

These cookies are used for statistical purposes: we measure the number of pages viewed, the number of visits, the activity of visitors on the site and the frequency with which they return. Their retention period is indicated in the table below.

Video and social network cookies

Some content includes links to external sites that may set cookies. We invite you to read the policy on the management of these cookies on the sites concerned.

Cookies for advertising purposes:

Our site may use cookies to send you ads tailored to your browsing experience, the editorial content you view, and your profile.

User experience improvement operating cookies consent-cookie_marketing 180 d
consent-cookie_analytics 180 d
consent-cookie_functionality 180 d
version-consent-cookie 180 d
userProfileName 30 d
languageName 30 d
countryCode 30 d
Audience measurement cookies _gid 24 h
_ga 402 d

More information about cookies can be found on the CNIL's website :