Ellipsis Optimal Solutions - Liquid Alternative: 5 new units available S CHF - I USD - R EUR - R CHF - R USD

March 12, 2024 – Ellipsis Asset Management announces significant changes for the shareholders of the Ellipsis Optimal Solutions – Liquid Alternative mutual fund, which will take effect this month.

Ellipsis AM has decided to make several changes to the mutual fund, including:

  • The creation of five new shares (SCHF, IUSD, REUR, RCHF, RUSD).
  • The renaming of the share class ID-EUR to EB-D-EUR.
  • An increase in management fees for the I and J share classes.

Minor changes are also being made to the wording of the investment strategy without impacting the management and security selection process, or the risk/return profile of the mutual fund.

These changes will take effect on March 15, 2024, except for the fee increases for the I and J share classes, which will take effect on April 15, 2024.

The teams at Ellipsis AM are offering a preferential subscription period with the opening of S and EB shares at reduced fees until March 31, 2024. Contact your sales representative for more information.

For more information, please consult the Letter to Shareholders and the Prospectus:


Part S-CHF

Part I USD

Isin : 

R EUR - FR001400OAS2
R CHF -  FR001400OAT0
R USD - FR001400OAU8

Net asset value :

Minimum initial subscription :

Management fees :
Max 1%

Outperformance fees:

15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Isin :  FR001400OAR4

Net asset value :
10 000 CHF

Minimum initial subscription :
10 000 000 CHF

Management fees :
Max 0.50%

Outperformance fees:

15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark, once the underperformance of the last 5 years has been compensated.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Isin :  FR001400OAQ6

Net asset value :
10 000 USD

Minimum initial subscription :
1 000 000 USD

Management fees :
Max 0.75%

Outperformance fees:

​​​​​​​15% inclusive of tax of the annual outperformance net of fees of the fund vs benchmark.

Please click on the buttons below to access the :

Find all the subscription terms per unit in the prospectus and consult the DIC for more information on the risk profile.