ELLIPSIS AM ROUND TABLE AT THE Société Nautique de Genève

On Monday 19 June 2023, ELLIPSIS AM organised a round table at the "Société Nautique de Genève". It was an opportunity to bring together a large number of local players for a day of exchanges and conviviality.

We would like to thank all those who took part, and hope to see them again soon at one of our forthcoming events.

We would also like to thank the speakers at this round table for sharing their convictions on the subject of artificial intelligence in different sectors.



Nicolas Blanc 
Co-head Overlay & Customised Portfolio Solutions
 & Portfolio Manager at Ellipsis AM


Nicolas Schrameck
Convertibles Portfolio Manager and Co-Head of the Convertibles & Credit division at Ellipsis AM


Tristan Abet
Thematic Investment Specialist at Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions



At this Round Table, the speakers shared their views on the following subjects: 

  • The media buzz around electric vehicles, the metaverse and artificial intelligence.
  • NVIDIA: from video games to artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies.
  • The case of Clean Energy.
  • Factors affecting stock market performance
  • The benefits of a multi-theme fund.
  • Artificial intelligence: who will be the winners?