Annual update of Ellipsis Global Convertible Fund regulatory documentation

The annual review of Ellipsis Global Convertible Fund's regulatory documentation was held on February 18, 2022.

The KIID include the fund's 2021 performance and the ongoing charges taken by the UCIs over a year, in respect of the past financial year. Regulatory evolutions and a number of changes have been incorporated into the KIID and the prospectus, including in particular:

  • Adjustment of the wording of the paragraph relating to the integration of ESG criteria within the investment strategy
  • Modification of the maximum percentage of exposure to SRIs from 10% to 20% with an expected proportion of investment ranging from 0% to 20% of net assets.
  • Clarification of the perimeter of underlyings allowed on SRIs with the addition of baskets of individual securities and equity indices
  • Addition of examples to illustrate the methodology applied for the calculation of performance fees

For more information, please read the letter to holders below and the new regulatory documentation available in the web factsheet.