112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for French professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
Ellipsis AM subsidiary
Rue du Mont-Blanc 4
CH - 1201 Geneva
+41 22 994 11 00
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for Swiss professional investors
The basic documents of the Funds such as the prospectus, the key investor information document (KIID), the fund regulations or the articles of association as well as the annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained free of charge at the office of the Swiss Representative.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by Société Générale and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
ELLIPSIS AM funds' representative in Switzerland:
ACOLIN Fund Services AG
Thurgauerstrasse 36/38
CH-8050 Zürich
Phone : +41 44 396 96 96
Fax : +41 44 396 96 99
Website : https://www.acolin.com/fr
The Paying Agent is:
17 quai de l'Ile
CH-1204 Geneva
NAVs of Ellipsis AM funds are available on: www.fundinfo.com
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: dpo@keplercheuvreux.com
Via Cornaggia °10, 20123 Milano
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com
112 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1 78 41 55 00
Subway :
We remind professional investors interested in our funds that before any subscription:
Information for European professional investors
We can subscribe to our funds on a daily basis through our custodian Société Générale SA.
Phone : + 33 (0)2 51 81 57 09.
Subscription and redemption requests are centralised on every business day at 11:00 by the depositary and executed on the basis of the net asset value determined on the same day and calculated on the next business day. The payment occurs on day +2. We advise you to let our teams know about your subcription in order to make sure about the policy for entry fees.
We remind you that all documents related to the fund (prospectus, KIID and financial statements) are available upon request from the management company or online at the website.
In accordance with the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have a right to access, rectify and object to personal information held about you.
To exercise these rights, please contact: client_service@ellipsis-am.com